info via Ley Reynolds
Next titles will be Flightcraft - English Electric Canberra in British Service
Italian Heavy Cruisers - from Trento to Bolzano
Hitler's Air Bridges
Air War Vietnam
Armoured Warfare in the British Army 1945-2020
The Battle of the Reichswald
Royal Navy Torpedo Vessels 1870-1914
Bristol Beaufighter at War
Soviet Air Power of the Cold War
British Coastal Forces - two World War and After
Shipcraft - Bounty
Tankcraft - Panzer III, N.Africa El Alemain to Tunis 1941-42
Tankcraft - Sherman, Canadian New Zealand & South African Armies, Italy 1943-45
Tankcraft - Puma, Sd Kfz 234/1 and 234/2 1944-45
Warships of the Soviet Fleets 1939-45, Vol III Naval Auxillaries
The Soviet Destruction of Army Group South 1943-45
M8 and M20 Armoured Cars
The Malaysian Emergency and Indonesian Confrontation
Dornier Do-17 in the Battle of Britian
Images of War - Operation Nordwind
The Sword of David - Isreali Airforce at War
Remembering The Dragon Lady
Ley can be contacted via email at or contacted at club meetings for further info (Steve - Editor).